
    Current Profession




    How visually appealing is your FJ E-Boutique?

    Extremely appealingVery appealingSomewhat appealingNot so appealingNot at all appealing

    Please add any other comments

    How easy or difficult was it to find what you are looking for on the E-Boutique?

    Very easyEasyNeither easy or difficultDifficultVery Difficult

    Please add any other comments

    Did you find any of the following issues on your E-Boutique?

    Website did not display properly on DesktopWebsite did not display properly on MobileToo many pop-upsNot enough pop-upsPages load too slowlySite navigation is confusingOther (Please Specify)

    Did you take more or less time to understand your affiliate website and to manage the backend system?

    A lot less timeA little timeAbout what I expectedA little more timeA lot more time

    Please add any other comments

    How long do you spend on promoting your E-Boutique?

    I don’t spend much time2-3 hours a week1 hour Daily2-3 hours DailyI consider this as my full time job

    What channels do you use to promote your E-Boutique?

    I don’t promote on any channelFriends & FamilySocial Media (FB, Insta, etc)Google AdsPaid promotionsOthers (Please Specify)

    Did you achieve the results you were expecting?


    If No, please let us know what results you were expecting

    Would you like to continue to be a FJ Affiliate?


    If yes, please specify your 2022 Goals. If No, please specify why so we can improve our program.

    FJ are constantly striving to improve our products and services for the Global market and our affiliates whom we consider our partners, who play a big part in promoting this global vision to become a leading market leader in the Jewelry Industry. Please let us know what support you require from our team to ensure the overall success for our partnership.