Choose Your Favourites

365 Love caters to young lovers through trendy and exquisite designs that exclude an identity, and carry the message of true love. It aims to create possibilities for people who wish to convey their feelings, create surprises each day and make every day special.

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Ultra Modern

Define a modern and fashionable look with our
Ultra Modern Collection. Always in the
forefront of trendy design yet minimalist.

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Captivates your heart with this jewel that sparks joy,
Present as a gift for your loved one, everyday is
worth a celebration with 365 Love.

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Simple Little Pleasure

“Simply Little Pleasure” is a collection of
modern designs showcasing an appreciation
for its classic curves and subtle details.

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Criss Cross

Find ecstasy in life with “Criss Cross” creations and
begin to live each day to the fullest
as the mere sense of living is to love yourself.

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Be charmed with our signature collection, Enfold.
Like a snuggle, a cuddle, the design loops
with different layers and flexibility of the band
brings comfort for everyday wearing.

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